Get ready for the winter Style your home by layering decor accessories

Get ready for the winter Style your home by layering decor accessories

Perfect for the colder months where much of your time is spent indoors.

layering adds a homey feel to your space, making it both cozy and inviting This decor trend will help showcase your favorite pieces while creating a warm and welcoming environment.

I have put together some examples of

layering to help inspire you to incorporate this trend into your home.

Cooler autumn air means it’s time to take your duvets out of the closet. Have fun layering your bed with pillows and a quilted throw blanket. 

Instead of marking up your walls, showcase a gorgeous mirror or piece of artwork on top of a sideboard.     

This curated collection of your favorite decor accessories will instantly add interest to the space and save you any repainting when you feel it’s time to switch up your display. 


Cozy layers, such as a hide rug atop a wool one and a warm throw on the ottoman invites lounging and conversation in this studio.

It’s easy to create this look in your own place with just a few fall accessories.

Layer a large rug over wooden floors to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

It can also double as a way to incorporate more of your design scheme into your space.

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Open shelving is one of the easiest ways to layer your favorite items.

Books, artwork, small accessories and even plants.

They’ll give your space that lived-in feel and best of all, you can change up your displays as many times as you want.

As always, if you have any questions or if you feel overwhelmed, give me a call and I will be happy to help.

Have a fabulous day,

Yetti SlaskyBottom of Form